<aside> 💡 SPECIAL OFFER: The first 100 Salesforce users to sign up get a one-month free trial with code WrenchSFYay2023. For a step-by-step guide on how to apply the code, click here.


Enhance your prospect data. Automate segments and personas. Launch data-driven campaigns faster — and get better results.


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The app was designed for easy setup and configuration.

<aside> 💡 Based on our clients’ results, we know that Wrench.ai can:

With the AI Virtual Assistant, you can harness the power of behavioral and personality insights to refine your marketing strategies and connect with customers more effectively. Speed up customer acquisition and boost retention through tailored personalization, which can translate into 1-2 months of extra revenue in just a year. Enrich your customer profiles by blending your proprietary data with external public sources for sharper personas and segmentation. Embed our patent-pending AI technology seamlessly into your systems, elevating your onboarding, engagement, and retention efforts effortlessly.

To install the Salesforce managed package, CLICK HERE

Easily build AI models that deliver the results you are looking for.

The AI Virtual Assistant makes it possible to create sophisticated AI models that are designed to optimize your customer relationships and marketing strategies by delivering data-driven metrics. Here’s what each one can do:

Ready to start onboarding?

Click here to start the onboarding process. Each section of the guide provides more details on each model and how to configure it.

Need help? Schedule time with the onboarding team.